The 4 Most Significant Trends in the HDMO Market

The 4 Most Significant Trends in the HDMO Market

With the electrification of commercial fleets gathering increasing momentum, driven by market pull, sustainability initiatives, and regulatory support — and the same thing true for other transformative forces such as telematics and digitalization — the HDMO (heavy-duty motor oil) industry is in transition. Although these and other advancements have the potential to substantially reduce the

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Lubricant Market

Lubricant demand in AME predicted to show 2.5% growth per year

Besides Asia, Africa and the Middle East were the only regions which did not stop growing during the recession. Although their economic growth rates did slow down by 2009, they have since started to pick up again. Despite the fact that AME will not see growth rates commensurate to those of the rapidly expanding markets

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