We focus on healthcare products sold through all channels of distribution, including OTC pharmaceuticals, Rx-to-OTC switches, and more. Our studies are ideal for manufacturers, marketers, retailers and suppliers who are seeking a deeper understanding of their industry.

Our webinars are designed to provide key insights into market data on given topics, and to help customers familiarize themselves with our report contents.

China Medical Device Market: Opportunities and Challenges

The China medical device market is experiencing rapid growth and has become one of the largest in the world, driven by factors such as the rising prevalence of chronic diseases, increasing healthcare expenditure, and government initiatives to improve the healthcare infrastructure. In recent years, the government has made significant progress in developing the domestic medical device industry and implemented policies to encourage innovation and support local manufacturers. These initiatives have created opportunities and challenges for both domestic and international device players.

This webinar provides a high-level overview of the interrelated factors that contribute to understanding the opportunities in China's vast medical device marketplace, as well as challenges that all device makers must overcome in order to achieve success. The webinar also covers:

  • Healthcare system and medical devices classification
  • Medical devices regulations and reforms, and their impact on selected market subsegments
  • Impact of COVID-19 on the market
  • Future perspectives on opportunities and challenges


Dr. Lisa Peng

Chemicals and Materials

Saikal Akimalieva

Senior Consultant,
Chemicals and Materials

Plant-Based Solutions for Heart Health

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March 2021

A growing flexitarian, vegan, and vegetarian population is projected to positively impact the global plant-based industry in the coming years. Listen to this webinar to get an overview of macro trends for natural products: careful reading of labels, green and sustainable lifestyles, and vegan and flexitarian diets.